The temperature has finally begun to warm up and there is a sudden explosion of colors outside where only days ago everything was a different shade of neutral. I took a walk on a wooded trail a few days ago, just to get some time away from my apartment and away from the weight of too many final projects.

As always, I chose a wide trail—I like to view nature from a little bit of a distance, or more accurately, from a vantage point where nothing actually brushes against me. Yes, I am squeamish and I am from the Northeast where the things you find outside are less likely to be poisonous. In fact, I am certain I saw a black widow spider in the exterior hallway of my apartment complex the other day and I've been thinking about it ever since. On my walk, I saw the interesting—and gargantuan—insect pictured above sunning himself on a leaf. I immediately took some photographs and pointed it out to my boyfriend, who burst my bubble by saying it was "one of those bugs that spits in your eye." As I said before, poison, poison, everywhere... But before I made haste back to the interior sanctuary of my apartment I did manage to find a little beauty in the natural world.

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